“Nocturnal Saguaro Rat” (2019)

This piece began as three large forms that began as mountains in Paper by 53 Pro (WeTransfer) or whatever they call themselves. Almost immediately I saw the animal form.

The very rare nocturnal saguaro rat captured on a trail camera situated in an undisclosed location in the vast Sonoran Desert. These mammals are thought to burrow into the soil near the base of the saguaro and then up into the stem of the cactus. The towering cactus provides an insulated den protecting the animal from extreme heat during the day the chill of the night and much needed moisture. It is speculated that the rat’s diet consists of insects, lizards and bird eggs. A consortium of international researchers hopes to reveal a complete natural history and ecological impact study of the nocturnal saguaro rat in the near future.

[Depiction begun in Paper by 53 (WeTransfer) as a doodle and completed in Procreate on an iPad Pro 3 with an Apple Pencil 2.]

‘Baobab’ (2019)

While living in Nigeria and years later when visiting my parents who were teaching in Botswana at the time I marveled at the mighty baobab trees. It is an amazing tree that is extremely useful to both animals and humans. In Africa the baobab is found in hot savannahs south of the Sahara. Other species can be found in India and Australasia. There are many stories as to why the baobab looks like it is growing upside down. Its natural history and stories of its origin are well worth investigating.

‘Coffeeville’ (2019)

Sketch done during Draw group today at Three Cups Coffee House in Astoria, Oregon. Scene is rather busy but guess that might happen when one is filled with caffeine.

‘Lord Peter’ (2019)

Listening to Lord Peter Wimsey – Strong Poison, Old Bailey with the one and only Ian Carmichael. Available for 24 days on BBC’s iPlayer Radio app. One of my favorite fictional British sleuths.

A much too rapid sketch of Lord Peter in Paper by 53 Pro on my iPad Pro using the Apple Pencil G1.

@BBCRadio4Extra http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b007jvn6

Ian Carmichael obituary https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2010/feb/06/ian-carmichael-obituary?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other